IRI Delegation to Observe Tunisia’s Presidential Run-Off

IRI today announced its delegation to observe Tunisia’s December 21, 2014 presidential election run-off.  Leading the delegation will be Luís Vales a member of the Portuguese Parliament and deputy secretary general of the Social Democratic Party; and Thomas E. Garrett, IRI’s vice president of programs.

Washington, DC – IRI today announced its delegation to observe Tunisia’s December 21, 2014 presidential election run-off.  Leading the delegation will be Luís Vales a member of the Portuguese Parliament and deputy secretary general of the Social Democratic Party; and Thomas E. Garrett, IRI’s vice president of programs.

As they did with the October 26 parliamentary elections and the first round of the presidential election on November 23, delegates will travel to Tunisia to monitor voting and ballot counting throughout the country.  Following the voting, IRI will issue a statement on the findings of the delegation. 

Other delegates who will observe the election are:

In addition, IRI’s long-term observers, who have been in Tunisia since August 2014 monitoring the pre-electoral environment and election preparations, will serve as observers on Election Day.   

IRI will again have delegates in Belgium, England, France and the United States to witness voting of Tunisian citizens living overseas. 

Those delegates include:

As with the previous elections, delegates will be briefed by political party representatives and Tunisian election officials.  They will also be briefed on the rights and responsibilities of international observers and Tunisian election law and will then deploy throughout the country where they will observe polling stations and identify and evaluate strengths and weaknesses in Tunisia’s election system, including campaign regulations, the balloting process, vote tabulation and reporting. 

IRI endorses the Declaration of Principles for International Election Observers, and since 1983, through international election observation missions and assessments, has monitored 203 elections in 57 countries. 

Past IRI Reports and Statements on this Election Cycle:

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