IRI Hosts International Women’s Political Activism Conference

Continuing its commitment to promote women’s participation in civic life, the International Republican Institute (IRI) hosted a two-day conference in Kyiv, Ukraine, on the role of women promoting civic reforms.  Women from across Ukraine had an opportunity to hear from international delegates on their experiences as advocates for issues important to them, their families and their communities.  Conferees also attended sessions on election campaign planning, coalition building negotiation techniques, engaging women in politics and working with media for politically-active women.

The conference featured political activists from Iraq who shared their experiences promoting reforms in a fast-changing environment and being politically active in a Muslim society.  The conference was also attended by political party activists and members of nongovernmental organizations from Moldova, Sweden, Russia and Azerbaijan.  In addition, presenters and attendees had an opportunity to learn from Ukrainian women about the success of reforms in their country as well as the odds they overcame in the disputed election that eventually led to a more active citizenry, as evidenced by the Orange Revolution.

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