IRI Statement on the Release of Cuban Political Prisoners and Removal of Cuba from the State Sponsor of Terrorism List
“IRI is committed to democracy and human rights in Cuba and looks forward to the day when all political prisoners are released, and Cubans are free from tyranny.”
Washington, DC – IRI issued the following statement on the reported agreements involving the release of political prisoners in Cuba, and the removal of Cuba from the State Sponsor of Terrorism list by the Biden administration.
“Cuba’s track record of jailing activists is abysmal. Past promises to release prisoners have resulted in broken promises, or new prisoners filling jail cells. The people of Cuba deserve better — making any concessions to Cuba based on what will result in false promises is unfortunately cynical and naive.
“We look forward to the involvement of credible human rights groups to ground truth the release of reported political prisoners, and to continue pushing for changes to Cuba’s system of putting activists and opponents in jail in the first place.
“Only when Cubans can enjoy free elections and engage in democratic practices without fearing their government can we acknowledge that change has finally come.
“IRI is committed to democracy and human rights in Cuba and looks forward to the day when all political prisoners are released, and Cubans are free from tyranny.”
On January 14, Cuban dictator Miguel Díaz-Canel announced his regime would release 553 prisoners following a reported agreement with the Vatican, coinciding with the White House announcement to remove Cuba from the State Sponsors of Terrorist (SST) List.
According to Prisoners Defenders, an organization based in Spain, Cuba holds an estimated 1,161 political prisoners, including several hundred detained following the peaceful July 11, 2021, protests. Just last month, political prisoner Manuel de Jesús Guillén Esplugas, a young member of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU) and Cuba Decide, died in custody while serving a six-year sentence for recording and sharing videos of the 2021 protests.