Poll Reveals Public Opinion on Elections, Political Parties and Future of Nicaragua
Managua, Nicaragua – IRI today released its first poll in a two part series that focuses on civil society groups, Nicaraguan international relations and the instillation of the controversial Councils of Citizens Power. The poll also offers a comprehensive look into the Managua municipal elections.
“Our findings show that the people of Managua are paying attention and are very educated about the issues and the attributes they are looking for in their next Mayor,” said Sergio Garcia, IRI Resident Country Director. “I think the two most striking results are that the people want better representation from the parties or from civil organizations, and that almost 80 percent of Managuans intend to vote, and will base that vote on who best can fix their needs.”
The poll was conducted by Datexco Company S.A., based in Colombia from December 15-16, 2007, interviewing 1,005 Managuan residents. The margin of error is ± 2.9 percent.