Statement on the Death of IRI Resident Country Director Robert Cushing

Tragically and unexpectedly, IRI employee Robert Cushing died on Sunday, December 14, 2014. We were shocked and saddened to learn of his passing. Robert Cushing started work at IRI in 2007, and was a passionate, thoughtful voice for the advancement of democracy worldwide throughout his career.

Washington, DC – “Tragically and unexpectedly, IRI employee Robert Cushing died on Sunday, December 14, 2014. We were shocked and saddened to learn of his passing. Robert Cushing started work at IRI in 2007, and was a passionate, thoughtful voice for the advancement of democracy worldwide throughout his career.

“While based in Washington, Robert developed and managed a wide range of successful democracy and governance programs in Indonesia, Timor-Leste, Sri Lanka and Malaysia. Robert traveled extensively throughout Asia, forging close relationships with stakeholders overseas. He worked closely with political parties, government officials, civil society and marginalized populations. Robert was a believer in the importance of public opinion research, and was constantly thinking of new ways to integrate polling into programming and identifying needs for capturing the opinions of all people. In 2011, Robert moved overseas where he was a champion for women’s rights, and worked tirelessly to help increase women’s political participation throughout Asia. He was a gifted leader with a unique ability to connect with people while sharing a broad range of technical expertise. Robert (center) with members of the Bhutan Foundation, a local IRI partner.Robert (center) with members of the Bhutan Foundation, a local IRI partner.

“Robert was more than a member of the IRI staff, he was a member of our family. We celebrate his contributions and his achievements, and we will miss him and his tireless commitment to building a better future for the countries he worked in. At the proper time IRI plans to pay tribute to Robert’s life and work.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to Robert’s family and friends.”

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