International Anti-Corruption Day: IRI Leading the Fight

  • Emilia James
A woman balances bananas on her head and holds up a sign in favor of fighting corruption

On International Anti-Corruption Day, individuals, governments, and organizations from around the world speak out against the dark force that plagues many political spheres. However, IRI continues to be a leader in this fight. It has published products such as toolkits, videos, and even a website to help civic activists and interested partners alike to combat the disease of corruption. Each product contains useful information to equip those seeking democratic change and acts as an inspiration and guide for how to make that change happen.

Recognizing the need for guidelines to address the root causes of corruption and develop an action plan, IRI created the Vulnerabilities to Corruption Approach (VCA) in 2014. The VCA allows IRI to work with governments to use qualitative data to identify and address key issues related to corruption. Within this approach, there are six necessary steps:

  1. Understand the politics
  2. Bring together key decision-makers
  3. Conduct an assessment
  4. Create anti-corruption action plan
  5. Implementation
  6. Host anti-corruption forum

IRI’s VCA website keeps all VCA-related information in one centralized location. Specifically, it shows up-to-date assessments and vulnerability scores, from Tunisia to Paraguay. The scores are taken from responses to questionnaires and translated into numbers that represent a municipality’s vulnerabilities to corruption. Readers can find further explanations on the site, as well as an interactive map and an informative video. Alongside the website are the two impressive Toolkits IRI has published in the past three years.

The Vulnerabilities to Corruption Assessment Toolkit was created and released in 2018 as a way to connect potential partners to IRI’s VCA. The handbook includes “conditions conducive to corruption,” the VCA process, and “useful tips.” Two years later, in 2020, IRI published the Anti-Corruption Toolkit for Civic Activists. This extensive Toolkit focuses on “grand corruption,” and offers civic activists, and other empowered individuals, guidance on how to combat corruption, taking into consideration differing environments.

From Mongolia to Ukraine, IRI’s VCA has been used to develop an appropriate response to risks of corruption. In 2016, according to IRI polling, 90% of Mongolians believed corruption was a problem. IRI used this information to work with communities and local government to develop and implement an effective action plan. In 2018, in Ukraine, IRI used its VCA in three different cities to help local government and civic organizations address the number one citizen concern of corruption.

Since the VCA was first created over seven years ago, IRI continues to dedicate itself to connecting people to their government and local civil society organizations. Just as corruption was a leading concern in 2014, it remains a critical problem that citizens face daily, in every corner of the world.

IRI is committed to this fight and will continue to develop relevant tools that provide for a more democratic future.

To learn more about IRI’s anti-corruption efforts, please visit the links below:


Combating corruption: focus on institutions, not personalities – Democracy Digest (

Is Systemic Corruption Driving Violent Extremism? (

In Tunisia’s War on Corruption, Local Government is on the Front Line | The Washington Institute

Why Fighting Corruption Is Key in a ‘New Era of Great-Power Competition’ (


Mexico’s Civil Society Takes on Corruption | Democracy Speaks

Harnessing Social Accountability to Address Corruption at the Subnational Level in Cambodia | Democracy Speaks

Words that Corrupt in Tunisia | Democracy Speaks

Mexico’s Fight Against Corruption (

Countering Fake News and Corruption in Mongolia | Democracy Speaks

Corruption and Security: The Issues at the Center of the 2018 Mexico Elections | Democracy Speaks

Promoting Social and Behavioral Change in Tunisia to Fight Corruption | Democracy Speaks

Two Steps Back and a Half Step Forward on Corruption in the Northern Triangle | Democracy Speaks

Empowering the Anticorruption Fight in North Macedonia | Democracy Speaks

Equipping Civil Society in Their Fight Against Grand Corruption | Democracy Speaks

Fighting Corruption is Vital to North Macedonia’s Democratic Future | Democracy Speaks

Ecuador: Combatting Corruption from the Ground Up | Democracy Speaks


International Republican Institute (IRI) – Empowering Civic Activists to Combat Corruption | Facebook

International Republican Institute (IRI) – The Future of Constitutional Reform in The Gambia | Facebook

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