IRI Statement Supporting Kem Sokha and the Cambodian Center for Human Rights
“From 2002-2007, the International Republican Institute (IRI) directly supported the work of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) then headed by Kem Sokha. During that time, the Center was the only local organization hosting public forums around the country for citizens to discuss government policies, supporting human rights advocacy campaigns and investigations of human rights abuses. The CCHR also broadcast the Voice of Democracy radio program which was the only local independent source of news in Cambodia.
“As an organization supported by U.S. taxpayer funds CCHR was held to the highest standards of financial management and accounting practices, and over the course of IRI’s affiliation with CCHR, and its leader Kem Sokha, the Institute was satisfied that grant funds were well administered and that the work being carried out was critical to strengthening democracy in Cambodia.”