Recent Book Looks at Importance of Evaluation in Democracy Promotion Work

“Timely and important…” is how former IRI president Lorne Craner viewed Evaluating Democracy Assistance, by Dr. Krishna Kumar, senior evaluation adviser in the Office of Foreign Assistance Resources at the U.S. Department of State. 

With contributions from IRI and others in the democracy promotion field, Evaluating Democracy Assistance explores best practices in evaluating democracy work using case studies from around the world, including IRI evaluations in Cambodia and Colombia.  

Dr. Kumar’s book provides many insights into the current dialogue on how best to capture the results of democracy assistance work. IRI believes that effective program evaluation is a critical component of its work to advance freedom and democracy around the world, and looks forward to continuing the dialogue with Dr. Kumar and others on this important topic.

Evaluating Democracy Assistance can be purchased on or on the publisher’s website, Lynne Rienner Publishers.

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