Luanda, Angola – An IRI poll found that a majority of Angolan intend to vote in the country’s elections. With voter registration underway, 79 percent of Angolans indicate they intend to cast their ballots in the yet to be scheduled elections. Fifty-four percent of respondents expressed the view that political campaigns would have an influence on their intention to vote, highlighting the importance of political parties and candidates in Angolan democracy.
As the Angolan government continues to work on a package of electoral regulations, including deciding what offices will appear on the ballot, citizens are optimistic regarding the government’s ability to hold free and fair elections. Thirty-seven percent believe that elections will be completely free and fair, while 40 percent believe the elections will be free and fair with some problems. Only nine percent of Angolan citizens believe the election will not be free and fair and just three percent of respondents expressed the belief that elections may lead to violence.
Angolans also expressed strong opinions on the offices that should be on the ballot in the future elections. Sixty percent of respondents believe the elections should provide them the opportunity to elect both their president and the national legislature. With regards to the selection of provincial governors, 79 percent of Angolans believe the officeholder should be chosen by the citizens of the province, with 12 percent and eight percent respectively desiring their governor to be selected by the president or the national assembly.
The nationwide poll was conducted on behalf of IRI by Consulform, a survey firm based in Luanda, Angola. Data analysis was conducted by American Viewpoint, Inc., a public opinion research firm located in the United States. From June 29-September 6, 2006, 3,678 people were interviewed in 12 of Angola’s 18 provinces. The margin of error does not exceed +/- 1.7 percent.