Violence against women in politics (VAWP) is a type of gender-based violence (GBV) that remains a threat to women’s full political participation globally. Women activists, elected officials, candidates and voters are targeted online and offline. These violent attacks are a direct violation of women’s human right to engage politically and have their voices heard. Physical assault, including sexual violence, forced disappearances and coercion are a few examples of VAWP.
Unfortunately, this violence affects not only the individual but also the communities that they represent. VAWP deters future generations of women leaders from a career in politics. We know that women’s full and meaningful participation in politics leads to stronger democracies. However, barriers like VAWP continue to inhibit women’s participation. Threats to women’s participation in politics are threats to democracy. It is up to communities, civil society and governments to #HearHerNow and #EndVAWP.
The Women’s Democracy Network (WDN) will conduct the fourth annual 10 Days of Activism Against GBV advocacy campaign (10 Days Campaign) focused on VAWP from June 21 to June 30, 2022. Prior to the 10 Days Campaign, WDN members developed a Global Manifesto to Address Violence Against Women in Politics. During 10 Days Campaign, WDN members will advocate to civil society and government leaders to sign the manifesto to demonstrate their commitment to address VAWP.
Get Involved!
- Sign and share the manifesto!
- Join the conversation online from June 21 – June 30: