
1: dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.
On the surface, corruption seems straightforward – individuals using their positions of power for personal gain. But is that a reductive characterization of a much more complex phenomenon? The way corruption manifests, and its possible remedies, are informed by a range of cultural and socio-economic contexts. To effectively address corruption, domestic and international actors alike need to implement system-wide solutions that account for these contexts. These issues affect places the world over and the practices that allow it to continue link countries seen both as corrupt and as clean in inextricable ways.
On this episode, our host Sinclair Stafford explores these issues with:

Dr. Brian Klaas
Assistant Professor of Global Politics at University College London, columnist for The Washington Post, and host of the podcast “Power Corrupts“
Season 3 Episodes

Bright Spots of Democracy – European Democra…
Global · Bright Spots Of Democracy – European Democracy Youth Network